Thermally modified wood façade – Häussermann Thermo
Wood is unique and versatile to use. However, its vitality also brings change: It “ages” and “works” as it absorbs and then releases moisture. Using thermal modification, we can control its independent existence and turn wood into a reliable partner.
Utilising new technologies
During thermal modification, wood is warmed for 50 to 90 hours and then heated for a short time at over 200°C. This changes the cell structure in such a way that water absorption and thus compensation moisture is crucially reduced. Swelling and shrinkage are reduced by up to 70%. Bacteria and fungi that break down wood lose their nutritional basis, as hemicellulose – short-chain sugar components – is broken down. The thermal treatment thus makes wood much more durable and dimensionally stable – exclusively using temperature without any chemical processes or additives.
Thermally modified woods
* according to DIN-EN 350-2